• 周婷率队赴杉金光电调研:以管理降成本,向规模求效益,凭技术增利润

    2月16日,杉杉股份董事长周婷赴杉金光电南京基地调研,全面了解杉金光电各项目进展、市场情况、经营情况。杉杉股份高管团队及杉金光电各部门负责人陪同调研。 READ MORE>>
  • 锚定目标 整装出发 | 杉杉两大主业春节保质保量促生产,全力冲刺“开门红”!

    打响第一枪,冲刺开门红 READ MORE>>
  • 媒体聚焦 | 杉杉股份完成新并购,中国偏光片产业高端化渐入佳境

    2025年伊始,偏光片行业传来重磅消息:全球领先偏光片制造商杉杉股份宣布成功完成了对韩国LG化学旗下SP偏光片业务的收购。这次交易不仅强化了杉杉股份在OLED偏光片和车载偏光片等高端领域的竞争力,也标志着中国偏光片产业在全球显示材料供应链中扮演的角色越来越重要。 READ MORE>>
  • 周婷率队赴杉金光电调研:以管理降成本,向规模求效益,凭技术增利润

    2月16日,杉杉股份董事长周婷赴杉金光电南京基地调研,全面了解杉金光电各项目进展、市场情况、经营情况。杉杉股份高管团队及杉金光电各部门负责人陪同调研。 READ MORE>>
  • 锚定目标 整装出发 | 杉杉两大主业春节保质保量促生产,全力冲刺“开门红”!

    打响第一枪,冲刺开门红 READ MORE>>
  • 媒体聚焦 | 杉杉股份完成新并购,中国偏光片产业高端化渐入佳境

    2025年伊始,偏光片行业传来重磅消息:全球领先偏光片制造商杉杉股份宣布成功完成了对韩国LG化学旗下SP偏光片业务的收购。这次交易不仅强化了杉杉股份在OLED偏光片和车载偏光片等高端领域的竞争力,也标志着中国偏光片产业在全球显示材料供应链中扮演的角色越来越重要。 READ MORE>>

Case sharing

Shanshan new energy related products have been widely used in mobile phones, laptops, digital cameras and other portable information equipment, electric new energy vehicles and other transportation vehicles, as well as other large-scale power supply, secondary charging, energy storage fields.

  • From the perspective of the development of global new energy vehicles, their power sources mainly include lithium-ion batteries, nickel metal hydride batteries, fuel cells, lead-acid batteries, supercapacitors, etc. Compared with other new energy sources, lithium-ion batteries have relatively high working voltage and large specific energy.
  • At present, Shanshan new energy's high-voltage and high-capacity lithium cobaltate manufacturing technology, cathode material manufacturing technology for energy type power batteries and many other technologies are at the international leading level. Shanshan lithium ion battery has been applied to many civil fields, such as mobile phones, notebook computers, video cameras, digital cameras and so on.
  • In 2017, Shanshan developed a new product, 4.4V high rate lithium cobalt, which is mainly used in UAVs and aircraft models. Shanshan lithium battery has high output power to meet high-speed flight and climb; It also has the characteristics of high energy density and longer endurance time.
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